Various companies are embracing virtual reality for different reasons. Employee training is one of the many ventures slowly gaining more recognition. Both Walmart and Chipotle are now launching VR training exercises for their employees with the help of Striver.
CorporateTraining in VR is a Booming Business
It has become apparent there is good money to be made for companies who can build VR training experiences for company employees. Striver is making some inroads in this regard. The company came to market back in 2015 and is generating around $10m in annual revenue.
It is due time to take things to the next level. With its renewed focus on corporate training, the company has attracted a lot of attention from Walmart and Chipotle Both major US brands are quite keen on training their employees in an immersive environment. As such, virtual reality makes a lot of sense.
Strivr’s Danny Belch sums it up as follows:
“You are immersed in a scene. Our company basically recreates all these scenes for these individual employees to go in and learn and practice. On-site training can be costly or pose safety issues, and often it can only be carried out at certain times to avoid business disruption. In the case of Walmart, the company had been training employees by allowing them to observe operations during store hours, which could interfere with business.”
All of this shows there is an interesting future ahead for virtual reality in the corporate sector. For Strivr, things have certainly evolved in a positive manner, with its number of employees more than doubling since 2015. With major clients focusing on VR training, a lot of interesting developments loom on the horizon.
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