People who are contemplating to enter the virtual reality ecosystem have a bit of an odd problem. On the one hand, there are very few headset manufacturers who do not rely on a smartphone access. At the same time, those manufacturers that do exist offer products with very specific requirements that make the choice a tough one. A luxurious problem, sure, but still a problem nonetheless.
Finding The Right Headset Isn’t Easy
There are so many different things to take into account when buying a virtual reality headset. Price is an important factor for a lot of people, but that is only a minor criteria when looking at the bigger picture. The first hurdle comes in the form of determining which hardware your friends and family may possess – or plan to purchase in the not-so-distant future.
Once that choice is narrowed down a bit, it is time to consider what the individual requirements of that headset are. To be more specific, the room in which you will embark on your VR journey plays a big role. A small room does not lend itself well to using an HTC Vive, for example. Careful measurements of the “play area” need to be taken into account, as they will help you narrow down the choices even further.
The third factor comes n the form of checking up reviews to determine if eye strain can become a problem. Unfortunately for the current generation of head-mounted displays, eye strain can be a very big problem. No one has fun in VR when their eyes start to tear up and burn after 30 minutes of usage every time. Especially not when making a hardware investment of several hundred US Dollars.
A fourth factor enters the fray: exclusive content that you absolutely have to play. Sadly, the VR ecosystem is not immune to titles only being released on one or a few specific platforms, while leaving others in the cold. This latter factor may not be of big concern to casual gamers, yet it is still important to keep this information into account. After all, there is no point in buying a VR headset if you aren’t going to have fun with it.
One silver lining in all of this is how VR headsets can be resold for a decent amount with relative ease. Even if you buy an HMD that does not suit your needs in the end, it can be sold to someone else and allows you to save up for a different type. It is hard to make a quick decision when it comes to VR headsets. Then again, there is no brand loyalty either at this stage. A luxurious problem, that much is evident.
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