It is evident VR can have positive consequences on one’s habits or mental issues. In the case of smokeSCREEN VR, this game is designed to help teens swear off the electronic cigarette, as well as other smoking habits. A remarkable venture albeit one that has the backing of Oculus, among others.
smokeSCREEN VR is Worth Keeping an eye on
According to a new study by NIDA, young adults are very prone to smoking through e-cigarettes. It is the most commonly consumed form of tobacco among youth all across the US today. Addressing this potentially dangerous habit is of the utmost importance. The dangers of e-cigarettes are often shrouded in mystery, yet they need to be laid bare accordingly.
Vaping is not a safer way to smoke by any means. While it seemingly has a health benefit over cigarettes directly, the end result is still the same in a lot of cases. It is another type of addiction that needs to be nipped in bud. Oculus sees merit in using VR technology for this specific purpose.
The firm has backed a new venture known as smokeSCREEN VR. It is a new educational VR game which warns youth about the potential downsides to vaping. Unfortunately, the e-cigarette is very easy to obtain, not bannable, and seemingly “safer” than cigarettes. Even so, it is a gateway for other tobacco products first and foremost.
Whether or not smokeSCREEN VR will be a viable solution, remains to be seen. It is still a pilot program, albeit one that can have a positive impact. With the support of Oculus, it may effectively make a big impact around the world. If successful, it shows the power of virtual reality technology when it comes to educational efforts like this. Yale Center, one of the co-creators, plans to launch many more VR ventures to educate teens on health and the potential dangers.
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