Various training courses exist within the virtual reality ecosystem. It is a very peculiar development which poses a lot of challenges, yet also unlocks a lot of new opportunities. Royal Mail is now tapping into VR to protect staffers from dogs. Given how staffers are still attacked on a regular basis, something needs to change
Postmen Training in Virtual Reality
One has to commend Royal Mail for exploring new opportunities in the world of virtual reality. Training staffers on the risks of the job is not all that easy in this day and age. It is virtually impossible to prepare staffers for certain developments. Unfortunately, there is still a very real chance postmen and women will be attacked by dogs during their tours.
Knowing how to handle such situations is pertinent. This knowledge helps avoid injuries and also ensures staffers are not afraid to carry out their day-to-day job. Royal Mail unveiled 444 attacks per week were performed in early 2018. These figures apply to a period starting on January 1st all the way through to late May 2018. This is a very worrisome statistic, and it highlights the need to prepare staffers for such incidents more than ever before.
Through dedicated VR training, staffers will be able to deal with unruly hounds first and foremost. Within the experience, the staffers are heading down a street in Plymouth where a rookie postwoman needs to be given advice. If the advice is incorrect, the rookie postwoman will be bitten. It is a different way of ensuring postmen know the right way of dealing with such animals first and foremost.
Although this is only a first venture into VR training, it can have some big consequences for the postal services industry. With Royal mail leading the charge, creating a safer work environment will become a lot more straightforward as time progresses. Dealing with hazards on the job can be a big challenge, especially when it comes to animals which can effectively cause serious injuries.
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