There are numerous projects which combine VR with training exercises. In the world of counter-terrorism units, there are some interesting options to explore. Training with virtual terrorists is not the same as real action, but it does allow for some unique training exercises and honing of skills.
VR Counter-terrorism Training is a Thing
Known as the AUGGMED project, this particular venture offers an online multi-user training platform for joint first responder and counter-terrorism training. Within this virtual environment, trainees can perform specific exercises related to fighting terrorists, including reconstructions of the real world. Moreover, these creations allow trainers to interact with virtual civilians and terrorists alike.
There is also an augmented reality offering, which brings these virtual terrorists and civilians to the real world. Both options will yield some interesting results down the line. This program is created primarily to help trainees improve their decision-making process. Additionally, it also prepares them to deal with stressful situations, which will undoubtedly arise in the field.
The AUGGMED program has been put through its paces already. Earlier this year, the Piraeus Port Authority officers used this experience to train for potential terrorist-related threats. By using the AR implementation, they were able to properly secure their “normal” environment while still facing off against virtual enemies.
Perhaps the most appealing feature about AUGGMED is how it allows multiple agencies to train together. Collaboration is the key when it comes to counter-terrorism activity. Collaborative training exercises will yield better results when taking this new knowledge into the real world. Efforts like these can be quite beneficial, especially thanks to is VR and AR capabilities.
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