Recently, Owlchemy Labs – the team behind the best selling VR game Job Simulator – has unveiled a brand new exploration game. Themed after the popular cartoon Rick and Morty, the game is both hilarious and fun. In the game, you play a Morty clone and help Rick in his garage’s workshop with various errands and tasks.
With the recent release of the Season 3 premier, Rick and Morty is one of the most hyped up television shows of 2017. If you love adult cartoons such as Southpark, Family Guy, American Dad, Bob’s Burgers, then you should definitely check out Rick and Morty. After playing through the whole game one gets a sense that he just watched an episode of Rick an Morty. There are quite a bit references to characters and scenes from the series such as the Meeseks Box, the Shrink Ray, and the duplicate Ricks.
The game is mostly a puzzle solving game requiring the use of multiple items and activities. The game does provide quite a bit of hints as to what you must do, but the puzzles are also challenging enough where I found myself stumped quite a few times. The featured video is a full run of the game in under an hour. I was neither trying to do a speed run, nor did I know all the puzzles – I knew the content up until about halfway through the video.
The game’s price tag is at $29.99. After playing it for around 4 hours and finally reaching the end of the story line, I believe the game is a bit overpriced. For $29.99, I expected a bit more playtime, but given the awesome voice acting and the highly interactive world the price can be justified.
When it comes to replayability there are some activities which can lead to different outcomes. Specifically the life game which is a reference to a previous episode, can be replayed over and over to achieve different results. Based on the decisions made in the game you achieve a different age, the goal is to reach the oldest age possible.
Furthermore, the are about a dozen easter eggs in the game, for those OCD gamers which like to reach 100% completion.
My favorite part of the game is definitely the Meeseks box, the idea is when you press the button on the box it opens up and presents a Meeseks ball. When you throw the ball a Meeseks character appears. That character immitates your actions, thereby allowing you to throw items to yourself via the Meeseks. When you pull the VR headset off of the Meeseks, they self destroy.
If you are a Rick and Morty fan and own either an Occulus or a Vive I definitely recommend you give the game a try. If the Season 3 premier left you hungry for more, this game will satisfy your cravings.
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